Cosmetic surgery performed in an in-office setting

Did you know that many cosmetic surgery procedures can be performed in an in-office setting?

Here in Denver, Colorado, Manish H. Shah, M.D., FACS has perfected the process of performing many cosmetic surgical procedures in an in-office setting.  There are many reasons one might choose to have their cosmetic surgery performed outside of the hospital or surgery center setting.  The following is a list of reasons many of Dr. Shah’s patients have elected to have their procedures performed in his office:

1. They are afraid or anxious about general anesthesia safety issues

2. They are healthy enough for non-monitored procedures (no continous monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, or oxygen levels) – Level 1 anesthesia (Colorado Board of Medicine)

3.  They feel more comfortable with the idea of having their procedure using only Valium (or similar medication) for sedation/relaxation, and using local anesthesia (like at the dentist’s office.)

4.  They are interested in saving money!! (in-office procedures do not have anesthesiologist fees or facility/equipment fees associated with them)

There are many different procedures that Dr. Shah has performed using only sedation with Valium and local anesthesia here at his cosmetic surgery office in Denver/Englewood, Colorado:

1. Facelift (rhytidectomy)

2. Eyelift (blepharoplasty)

3. Ear pinning (otoplasty)

4. Nasal tip rhinoplasty – primary

5. Revision rhinoplasty

6. Non-surgical rhinoplasty

7. Mini tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

8. Reverse tummy tuck (reverse abdominoplasty)

9. Small area liposuction

10. Breast lift (mastopexy)

11. Breast implant revision

12. Laser resurfacing of the face, neck, chest, and hands

13. Chin implants

14. Scar revisions of all types

In fact, over 90% of Dr. Shah’s patients will have procedures performed this way.  With a yearly caseload averaging around a 1000 facial and body/breast surgical procedures, this means that many patients have had their procedures this way.

If you are interested in finding out more about your options with regards to cosmetic surgery performed in an in-office setting, please contact Jenny Romano of Shah Aesthetic Surgery in Denver, Colorado at (303) 708-8234.

How is Botox anti-aging?

Here at Shah Aesthetic Surgery in Denver, Colorado, we are huge fans of Botox from Allergan.  Botox is made from a highly purified protein toxin.  When injected in small quantities into facials muscles that cause wrinkles, the muscles weaken temporarily.  In their weakened state, they can’t produce the same amount of wrinkling. Most patients will see results lasting around 3 months.  If a patient is consistent with their Botox usage, those same muscles can atrophy.  This reduces their strength over time and reduces their wrinkling capability.  This usually means that they can lengthen the time period between injections.

When muscles don’t move, the skin wrinkles less making you look younger.  Patients will still need good anti-aging skin care and sunblock to keep the collagen and elastin in the skin as healthy as possible. Regular Botox treatments and medical skin care at Shah Aesthetic Surgery will keep you looking younger!

Facelifts – A Primer

Facelift or rhytidectomy in Denver, Colorado is a procedure designed to reposition tissues in the face into a more youthful position.  Facial aging affects several structures: the skin, the muscles of the face, the fat volume of the face, and the bone volume of the face.  Once upon a time, it was thought that all you had to do to get a tight face was pull the skin tight.  Times have certainly changed!

In modern facelifting or rhytidectomy, the skilled surgeon analyzes all the aging structures of the face to determine what treatment each layer may need to effectively turn back the hands of time.  For instance, the skin may have been ravaged by sun exposure, smoking, weight loss, or time.  It may not be as elastic as it once was.  The extra skin will need to be removed.  The skin may need to be further tightened and toned using fractional laser resurfacing.

The underlying muscle can get loose especially in the neck (platysma) and this may need to be tightened to remove the old “turkey neck.” There may be excess fat in the neck and jowls that would benefit from liposuction to help shape the lower face and neck.  Finally aging can cause bone loss in the facial skeleton, the results possibly being a small chin, sunken cheeks, or weak jawline.  Facial implants or revolumization with fat or injectible filler would restore the proper volume relationships.

Facelifts or rhytidectomy are surgical procedures which means they leave scars and have some downtime associated with them.  Younger patients may only need a small scar in front of the ear to tighten both skin and muscle.  Older patients or those with poor skin quality may need scars that are both in front of and behind the ear to redrape the excess skin.  These scars are placed in easily camouflaged areas to allow for minimal show.

General anesthesia used to be the only option for patients, but now patients in Denver can get their facelift or rhytidectomy in the doctor’s office using just oral sedation and local anesthetic.  This allows for faster and safer anesthetic recovery. Cost savings are enormous also.

If you are interested in facelift or rhytidectomy in Denver, Colorado please call (303) 708-8234 to schedule your complementary consultation. Or, visit us on the web at for more information.